Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Garden to Table

At this point I should be harvesting mega amounts of onions, beets and spinach from my garden...maybe even lots of strawberries too.  Lord knows the potential is there but this weather is causing early harvest issues for me.  Not enough sun to grow properly, constant moisture in the soil (regardless of the well drained raised beds) and rabbits prevented most of what i planted to come up in a timely manner. 

Today I decided I'd pull some of the spinach up for soup.  Disappointment in the amount of harvest aside, it was a glorious morning out there (in yet another overcast day) clipping leaves and rooting around onion and beet greens measuring maturity levels. 

Maybe I'm imagining it but this Spinach soup of mine - which I eat often throughout every week using Costco organic spinach ($3.99 for 16 oz!) - tasted so much better with my own homegrown, better than organic spinach :)


Rich Biby said...

Could we have the recipe for spinach soup, please? I really want to know what is supposed to be in there so I can figure out what is missing from mine. Thanks. Hey, wait… I don’t eat spinach soup. Aaaah, I see the problem…

Amber said...

Haha Biby :) if you really want the recipe its in my notes on FB and its yummy! I put two leeks and two potatoes in it now...vs the recipes one of each. Miss you guys. We need to get together soon!