Monday, August 22, 2011

My dog's strange behavior

Although my dogs are admittedly a little strange in general (no more than you or I!) oldest golden, Perry, has been obsessed with me for the last month.  He will sit and stare at me for hours, or sit in a "guard" position with his back to me, looking out in the distance (of our living room, duh or our 0.08 acre backyard *rolls eyes*) scanning for some unknown danger.  Its a bit annoying to be quite honest.  I find myself telling him to "stop" "get" "enough" "go to your house" all the time!  I get frustrated whne hes under my feet or pushing the limits of what hes allowed to do, ie. go in the kitchen.  Then I feel guilty because he clearly thinks I need some sort of protection....or that i'm sick....or pregnant... 

Well, Re - "guard" - less (pun intended) I am certain his actions are motivated solely by love and loyalty and not by negative things like ownership (thats what you read when you google "why is my dog guarding me").

My dog, my legs...he was relentless this morning

1 comment:

smokiewolf said...

Ha! Cute! Nice article hon!