I keep my TBR (to be read) pile at a dozen or so books, at all times..this new kindle ereader on my phone makes it so darn easy for me to just one step click and read any book I see of interest at the moment I see it! Darn technology. The mix of books may seem odd, but if you know me at all the list makes perfect sense. Maybe if I can get my act together I will go into more details on BookWorm Wednesday.
On my Kindle:
Darkly Dreaming Dexter (Book One)
Jeff Lindsay
Like it.
Dearly Devoted Dexter (Book Two)
Jeff Lindsay
Like it.
Dexter in the Dark (Book Three)
Jeff Lindsay
Not done yet, but its Ok...a bit different than the others. Certainly not my favorite Dexter book.
Likeable though.
One of the Guys
Kristan Higgins
Love her books. They are easy, sweet reads.
King's Crossing
Timothy Keller
Love...along with The Reason for God. Timothy Keller has a wonderful way of explaining the Bible and its teachings.
Emma Donaghue
I downloaded the sample and read it and I'm torn between wanting to read on and to forget I ever read any at all. Its not a cheerful book. I tend to be sensitive to the suffering of children (and animals) and have a hard time shaking off those images once presented to me. So I don't know about this one yet. It certainly is well written and an interesting, compelling story. For now I will stick with the very unreal, kind to children Dexter books :)
My paperback, non-fiction reads:
Homeschooling and Loving It!
Rebecca Kochenderfer
I need all the encouragement I can get. 20 years ago the Harvard Phds I worked with told me homeschooling was the only way to go. That little seed has festered in my mind since then. I'm excited but also so very nervous about taking control of my children's education. Rebecca sent me two copies of this text because there was a delay in shipping. (I shared the second copy with a friend.) She sent me the second book because she feared I had been inconvenienced, what on earth? That simply doesn't happen now adays. She is extremely passionate about homeschooling. When I feel insecure about it, I just flip open her book to her introduction or to the many many exercises she gives throughout the text to refocus myself.
Managers of Their Homes
Steven and Teri Maxwell
Like I said I need all the support I can get. I'm totally disorganized. Always in response to crisis mode...I've heard wonderful things about the Maxwells over the years and am looking forward to using their scheduling techniques to have a successful homeschool year (and an organized home, please).